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Showing posts from July, 2019

Review: Purito Centella Green Level Buffet Serum

In search of a great serum to address my multiple skin concerns. I came across the brand Purito which is widely used by so many skincare enthusiasts. I read good reviews and results of the product that's why I didn't have any second thoughts on trying it.   Purito is a brand that claims to be SAFE, NATURAL, SAVE ANIMALS and ENVIRONMENT which caters "safe and honest" products.  Ok. Let me share with you why I picked this serum out of numerous ones out there. First, I was caught on the brand philosophy being "safe and honest" about their products. As a consumer and skincare enthusiast, there are certain things that I consider in buying and testing out products and that is "what, where and how" is the product being made. Besides, I should be aware of what I put on my skin.  Personal Experience :    I love serums that are light, breathable, hydrating and soothing and this serum caters all of that. This serum has plenty of gre

Updated Review: COSRX Light Fit Real Water Toner to Cream

First, let me just say how innovative this product is! Creating a 2 in 1 product that carries the 2 basic steps in skincare which is the toner and moisturizer. This is also great for those on the go gals who don't have the luxury of time to layer products in the morning. Love the packaging! 💗 It looks fresh and clean (minimalistic) I love that it comes in a pump nozzle bottle. It is a gel-cream that turns into water droplets once applied on the skin.  It is a lightweight moisturizer and a hydrating toner that feels comfortable on the skin. I don't feel any greasiness at all after it sets. It has a light citrusy scent (probably because of the Bergamot oil present in the ingredients). It is hydrating enough for my sensitive oily-dehydrated skin. I tried two layers of this and it still feels comfortable. It is well absorbed by my skin thus living it supple and brightened afterward.  I haven't experienced any bad reaction (tingling, tiny bumps, redn