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Showing posts from July 14, 2019

Review: Purito Centella Green Level Buffet Serum

In search of a great serum to address my multiple skin concerns. I came across the brand Purito which is widely used by so many skincare enthusiasts. I read good reviews and results of the product that's why I didn't have any second thoughts on trying it.   Purito is a brand that claims to be SAFE, NATURAL, SAVE ANIMALS and ENVIRONMENT which caters "safe and honest" products.  Ok. Let me share with you why I picked this serum out of numerous ones out there. First, I was caught on the brand philosophy being "safe and honest" about their products. As a consumer and skincare enthusiast, there are certain things that I consider in buying and testing out products and that is "what, where and how" is the product being made. Besides, I should be aware of what I put on my skin.  Personal Experience :    I love serums that are light, breathable, hydrating and soothing and this serum caters all of that. This serum has plenty of gre